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Low carbon energy generation

Edited by Dr Yongheng Yang

Scope: This section is dedicated to collect the latest research on the development, design, optimization, control, and application of Low Carbon Energy (e.g., solar photovoltaics, wind energy, hydropower, wave and tidal energy). This includes, but not limited to, materials of low carbon energy and technologies to improve the low-carbon energy capture, conversion, and utilization. Novel energy harvesting devices with zero or low carbon emissions and cost-effective exploitation of low carbon energy will, in particular, be considered.

Bioenergy (biofuels, biomass and biogas)

Edited by Professor Jo-Shu Chang

Scope: This section considers all work in the diverse field of bioenergy and biofuels. This includes research, development and application papers related to biofuels, biomass and biogas. Research into new sources of biomass feedstock, novel pretreatment and conversion technologies, process improvement and integration for bioenergy generation, bioenergy generation from biological residues, sewage and waste microbial biomass, bioenergy-related circular economy and life cycle assessment. In addition, studies into the environmental impact and economic analysis of bioenergy generation and utilization are also welcomed in this section.

Energy storage

Edited by Dr Huazhen Fang


This section reports cutting-edge research advances in all areas of energy storage, including electrochemical, chemical, thermal and mechanical storage. It covers fundamental and applied research about the many facets of energy storage technologies, including system or process design, modeling, analysis, management, integration, environmental impact, economic assessment and case studies. This section welcomes original research, methodology, database and software articles (see BMC Energy submission guidelines).

Energy systems, processes, planning and policy

Edited by Professor Geoffrey Hammond

Scope: This section covers innovations and research, development and demonstration (RD&D) in the areas of energy systems, processes, and systems integration. Contributions may address power generation, the processing and transmission of energy carriers, and energy end-use. Topics may embrace energy conversion, energy recovery, and energy efficiency and demand reduction techniques, as well as industrial decarbonisation. Chemical processes that give rise to ‘process emissions’, such as those associated with cement production, fall within scope. The section seeks to encourage the appraisal of energy systems within the framework of the energy policy ‘trilemma’; that is, the simultaneous delivery of low carbon, secure and affordable energy services. Methods might comprise technology assessment, systems analysis, and the optimization of energy processes, along with the evaluation of energy policy instruments and strategies that may include energy and environmental regulation. Papers that involve either empirical research, mathematical simulation (including energy-economic modelling), and case studies are welcome.